Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Homemade Croutons

Everyone loves croutons right? Of course! How can you have a salad without croutons? They give all those greens a little more substance. Actually croutons are really, really easy to make, and usually, fresh homemade ones taste way better than those super dry, crunchy ones from the supermarket. Of course, there's something to be said for those too.


Bread (sliced)
Olive oil (or butter)
garlic powder
Italian seasoning

Cooking Instructions:

1.) Preheat the broiler on your oven (yes, the broiler)

2.) Cut the bread into cubes (the size you want your croutons)

3.) Put the cubes into a bowl and drizzle liberally with olive oil

4.) Mix the cubes with the oil with garlic powder and Italian seasoning, to flavor

5.) Spread the cubes out on a cookie sheet

6.) Broil with the oven open a crack for 1-2 minutes, flip if you want it crispy on all sides

And voila, homemade croutons! So, you note in the ingredients that it says you can use butter as well. The original way I learned it was to use melted butter instead of olive oil, I've found though, that olive oil works just as well. Just kind of depends on what you like in terms of flavor. Since you are using the broiler, make sure that you don't leave them in there too long, or they get burned. Feel free to mix in any other seasonings and such that you think would taste good. Enjoy!

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